
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Haiti - Part 2

Welcome to your continued tour of Haiti!
The picture below gives you a view down the street where Arise Haiti is located.

How would you like to go deep sea fishing in a boat this size?
Makes me wonder what the boat Jesus fell asleep in looked like on the inside.

The team! Look at those smiling happy missionaries "suffering" for Jesus.

Not really a bank on the side of the road. It's a (ahem...) place to stop and play some "numbers."
On a forty-five minute drive the team counted 185 such "banks".

Sweet 'taters!  They grown them next to the beach in Haiti!
Guess you don't need salt when you cook them.

Ever wondered what the inside of a dug out canoe looks like?
Well, now you know.

A foreigner on the beach getting ready to do some crazy wild kite surfing!

Most places you see a lot of glass on top of the fence. 
Creative folks in Haiti use conch shells!

My neice taught me how to play mancala.
On the beach you do not even need a board!
Just dig some shallow holes and gather rocks. 

Paul getting the missionary children addicted to his favorite passtime... farkle!
He taught them to play and left the game for them.
Poor parents!

The watch dog. (Really!)

Get ready.... get set.... and....

.... GO!!!!
This is what happens when you have kids club every Friday. 
Oh, missionary James... come to my neighborhood next! Please.

There were over 300 kids who came this week!

When the children leave the teaching, they take home a bag of food for their family.

Well you know you have to always have a cute kid picture in the mix.
(Dr. Jim had to get in the pic too.)

Isaiah 25:4
You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat...


Wendy said...

Thanks so much for sharing this with us Teri!! Our God is an awesome God!! A beautiful country with beautiful people! Friday kids club looks awesome! :)

The Lopers said...

I think we should have a "ladies of the lake" retreat down there. Sun, surf, and plenty to do.